Finding the perfect prosthetic fit
Regardless of your situation, your quality of life and activity levels should not drastically change after an amputation. You deserve to participate in life in the same ways you did pre-amputation, at Horton’s we have exactly the products you need to ensure you enjoy the same lifestyle you did before your amputation.
If you were previously a triathlete, training and competing will still be possible after amputation. If you simply need to go to the market or run errands for the family, these activities will absolutely be achievable with the correct prosthetic device. The prosthesis will suit your exact potential and needs.
Horton’s prosthetics can recover your mobility and dexterity, and we are honored to help you find the perfect prosthetic fit. Horton’s is dedicated to providing patients a lifetime of supportive and individualized care.
Our Prosthetics are custom built to enable you to maintain your every day activity. With our extensive experience and knowledge, Horton’s will be sure you’re fit with the perfect prosthetic for your needs.
- Our lower-extremity prosthetics for below-knee, above-knee, hip disarticulation, hemipelvectomy, and foot amputations allow for restored mobility with a lightweight carbon fiber and titanium components.
- Upper-extremity products for below-elbow, above-elbow, shoulder disarticulation, and hand or finger amputations provide functional and cosmetic usage with manual, electronic, and bionic controls.
- For athletes, we fabricate custom, advanced sports prosthetic devises that are responsive and act like human limbs. Amputee athletes can restore lost muscle function and elevate their limb performance with our athletic prosthetics.
- We are also educated and experienced in pediatric prosthetics that help your child grow and succeed. Children, in fact, are often more adaptable to prosthetics than adults, and they can participate in school and extracurricular activities with ease.

At Horton’s we have a wide variety of prefabricated or custom designed orthoses to help you increase mobility, heal from an injury or prevent deformities. In our fabrication labs, we’re able to design orthoses for upper extremities, lower extremities, and the spine. Regardless of your injuries or medical conditions, Horton’s will be sure to fit you for the brace that best suits your needs.
Horton’s can help with:
- Cervical Orthoses
- Spinal Orthoses
- Scoliosis & Spinal Fracture
- Lower Extremity Orthoses
- Knee Orthoses
- Fracture Bracing
- Upper Extremity Orthoses
- Foot Orthoses
Horton’s custom fabricated pedorthotics are available to prevent or alleviate foot problems caused by disease, overuse or injury. By thoroughly examining your health, we’ll be able to identify the ideal pedorthotic for your needs. Having Horton’s fit you for a new pedorthic will allow you to resume your normal lifestyle. Some examples of pedorthotic products we offer are:
- Custom molded shoes
- custom diabetic shoes
- diabetic socks and accessories
- diabetic insoles
- post-operative shoes
- shoe modification

We want you to feel supported and encouraged to maintain the same quality of life you experienced prior to your mastectomy. Whether we are walking you through your custom follow-up care plan, talking through concerns, or recommending support groups, Horton’s promises to help you through the entire recovery process. Our certified mastectomy fitters have the experience and knowledge you need to help you choose the post-mastectomy products that are right for your body.
At Horton’s, we offer:
- Custom designed breast forms
- Mastectomy camisole
- Mastectomy bra