Problems with flat feet can make it difficult to stand for long periods of time without experiencing pain and discomfort. Foot orthotics can help relieve this pain by providing arches with more support.
Flat feet sometimes develop when tendons in the arches of the feet weaken and fall over time due to the natural aging process. An illness or injury can also cause this condition in people with otherwise normal arches. But for some people, arches simply never develop, causing them to have flat feet from an early age. Having flat feet means that the entire bottom of the foot comes in contact with the ground, which can lead to aches and pains in other parts of your body, especially your back, hips, and knees. A lack of substantial arch support in your shoes can causing swelling and other discomfort after standing or walking, which is why pedorthotic solutions in the form of flat foot orthotics are key to healthy and happy living.
Benefits of Flat Foot Orthotics
Orthotic devices that are custom-made can provide effective pain relief for those living with flat feet every day. These devices can be customized to fit your foot’s shape or specially made to suit your working environment and sporting activities.
Custom foot orthotics are able to reduce pain by absorbing shock and reducing pressure on the bottom of your feet. This allows you to stay on your feet longer without experiencing soreness. These orthotic devices can be made from different materials, depending on how much extra support you may need to compensate for the degree of arch depression.
When you are treated by a pedorthist, custom molds of your feet are created in order to ensure a proper fit and level of support. These molds are then used to custom-make your device, providing faster and more long-term pain relief than over-the-counter arch supports.
Types of Custom Foot Orthotics
There are several types of foot orthotics available to help those with flat feet. Each of these devices falls under one of three basic categories, which are rigid, soft, or semi-rigid. Rigid orthotics are made from plastic or another kind of hard material. They help control how the wearer’s feet move in order to reduce pain. Soft orthotic devices help ease discomfort by absorbing shock, reducing pressure in sensitive areas, and providing more balance. Semi-rigid orthotic devices contain a mix of soft and rigid materials to improve balance and help control movement. These are typically used for those with flat feet who play sports.
Some common types of flat foot orthotics available through a pedorthist include:
- Shoe modifications. These help make your existing shoes more supportive to ease pressure on the bottoms of your feet. Your shoes can be modified to be wider or bigger for extra cushioning.
- Custom molded shoes. These are shoes that are specially made to address your flat foot problem, rather than altering an existing pair. They are customized for a perfect fit that relieves pressure and reduces soreness.
- Custom-made arches and inserts. These shoe inserts are designed to mimic a natural arch, which helps ease the painful side effects of flat feet.
Flat foot problems should not prevent you from doing your job or enjoying your everyday activities. Contact Horton’s Orthotics & Prosthetics to speak with a pedorthist about flat foot orthotics at (501) 683-8889 to relieve your pain and provide your feet with more effective support.
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